Overall:      Sherri Location: Amazon.com Reviewer Date Posted: 09/13/2012 02:28:02 PM | A winner in my opinion!
I have 1 hardcover Gooseberry book, and 2 small Gooseberry series books. I truly love the small Gooseberry series books, but they are hard to find. If you like to make things that you can follow guidelines, or you can use the guidelines simply as a pattern, these books are for you. If you enjoy being creative, making things to give to others that are more special because you spent time to make them, or if you just enjoy decorating your home with homemade items, then these books contain a gold mine of information that is easy to read, even for the beginner. After following the guidelines, then try the projects putting your spark of imagination into them! I think they're great, and I love the labels and drawings they include that can be photocopied and colored by you to further personalize the projects. Try these books. They're great! Have fun!! |