Overall:      Sara Location: New Hampshire, USA Date Posted: 07/09/2013 11:33:44 AM | A fun but highly practical little book!
At the front of this jam-packed little book is a section called Cookie Swap Basics. They give you a timeline to use, starting with choosing a date and time for the party, and sending out invitations, 6 weeks before. This section is hugely helpful and practical.
Next there is a section called You're Invited, with invitations you can choose from to copy and print. There are three different styles to choose from, plus a printable recipe card.
Then we come to the Cookie Swap Goodies, with a number of yummy-sounding recipes that would add interest and great taste to any cookie swap you might host or attend. There are a few candy recipes as well. Some of the cookies I would love to try are the Jolly Lime Thumbprints and the Sparkling Orange Snowballs.
All throughout this section are tips, ideas, even mini-recipes sprinkled on the various pages. I thought this idea sounded like fun: "Everyone's a winner! Give raffle tickets to guests as they arrive and raffle off prizes like cookie cutters, holiday decorations or cookbooks."
All in all a fun little book and one that would be extremely helpful to any cookie swap hostess! |